The ad Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder for sale by auction has been sold and is not included in the search!
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Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder image 2
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder image 3
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder image 4
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder image 5
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder image 6
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder image 7
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder image 8
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder image 9
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder image 10
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder image 11
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder image 12
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder image 13
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder image 14
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder image 15
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder image 16
Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder image 17
Year of manufacture:  1999
Net weight:  11,000 kg
Location:  Poland Słomczyn7446 km from you
Placed on:  Dec 13, 2024
Seller stock ID:  4762/BZ/AU/2024
Power:  200 kW
Voltage:  400
Condition:  used

More details — Z AGLOMERATOREM LRA 150 plastic extruder

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Moc silnika wytłaczarki: 200 kW, rok produkcji: 1999
Długość wytłaczarki: 7300 mm
Moc silnika aglomeratora: 110 kW, rok produkcji: 2016
Zasilanie: 400 V
Waga: 11 000 kg
Wyposażenie: Szafa sterownicza
Plastic extruders
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